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Pastor Russ's sermons on Jonah have been collected in book form as Jonah: An Expository Commentary, available from or through the church office.
Pastor's Expository Series on Jonah (May-November 2011)
Jonah 1:1-3; 4:11 - Abiding Lessons From the Book of Jonah (November 6, 2011)
Jonah 4:6-11 - A Lesson in Right Affections (October 23, 2011)
Jonah 4:5-6 - A Sheltered Life (October 16, 2011)
Jonah 3:10 - 4:4 - God In the Hands of An Angry Sinner (October 9, 2011)
Jonah 3:6-9 - Leading with True Greatness (October 2, 2011)
Jonah 3:3-5 - God's Gifts to Unbelieving People (September 25, 2011)
Jonah 3:1-3a - When the Word of the Lord Comes (September 18, 2011)
Jonah 2:9-10 - Salvation Is From The Lord (August 28, 2011)
Jonah 2:8 - Clinging to Idols (August 21, 2011)
Jonah 2:5-7 - The Way Up (August 7, 2011)
Jonah 2:3-4 - When God's People Sin (July 24, 2011)
Jonah 2:1-2 - Important Reminders on Prayer (July 17, 2011)
Jonah 1:17 - Learning Theology in a School of Fish (July 10, 2011)
Jonah 1:12-16 - The Gospel According to Jonah (July 3, 2011)
Jonah 1:11-12 - At the Crossroad of Repentance and Disobedience (June 26, 2011)
Jonah 1:7-10 - Fearing a Great Fear (June 5, 2011)
Jonah 1:1-7 - Discovering God's Will (May 29, 2011)
Jonah 1:4-6 - Asleep in the Storm (May 15, 2011)
Jonah 1:1-3 - The Dangers of Disobedience (May 8, 2011)
Jonah 1:1-2 - The Lord of the Word That Came To Jonah (May 1, 2011)
Background Study of Jonah (.pdf)
Jonah at a Glance (.pdf)
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