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Special Services and Guest Speakers
Pastor Russ - 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 14:4-5: The Power of God's Word (June 25, 2017)
Dr. Brad Roderick - Hear, O Immanuel - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 (February 26, 2017)
Pastor Russ - Now What? - A Biblical Gameplan for Christians after the 2016 Election (November 13, 2016)
Pastor Russ - Romans 15:13-30 "A Vision for Global Missions" (June 6, 2016)
Pastor Russ - "Keep Calm and Carry On" (June 28, 2015) - A response to the Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage
Pastor Russ - Acts 6:1-7 "The Ministry of Faithful Deacons" (August 10, 2014)
Dr. Jack Benzenhafer - 1 Corinthians 10 "God's Enabling When Tempted" (April 13, 2014)
Dr. Jack Benzenhafer - The Emotional Life of Jesus (Matthew 18) (September 15, 2013)
Dr. Jack Benzenhafer - The Church Facing Change (Acts 10) (September 1, 2013)
Philippians 1:1-2 "What is a Church?" (August 11, 2013) - Pastor Russ
1 Corinthians 11:17-34 "The Lord's Supper: What It Is and What It Is Not" (Pastor Russ Reaves, July 14, 2013)
John 17 "Kingdom-Focused Prayer" (Dr. Chris Schofield, July 21, 2013)
"Reaching Your Circle of Friends" (Part 2) - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (June 16, 2013)
"Reaching Your Circle of Friends" (Part 1) - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (June 9, 2013)
Matthew 28:18-20 "The Great Omission" - Pastor Russ (March 3, 2013)
"When Hard Times Hit: An Encounter with God" - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (February 24, 2013)
"When Hard Times Hit: The Source of Hard Times - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (February 17, 2013)
Epaphras: A Model of Christian Ministry (Colossians 1:1-7; 4:12-13) Wes & Beth Gestring
"The Benefit of the Great Commission" - Luke 24:44-48 (Dr. Scott Hildreth, September 9, 2012)
"Making an Eternal Impact" (Dr. Jack Benzenhafer, September 2, 2012)
Radically Changed by a Glimpse of Glory, Guest Speaker Mr. Brian Davis (August 19, 2012)
"It's Not About the Numbers, Its About ..." (Acts 8, Dr. Jack Benzenhafer, July 15, 2012)
"Growth in Christ" - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (June 24, 2012)
"How Then Shall We Live? - Worship - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (May 13, 2012)
Ephesians 1:15-23 - Worship - Mr. Brian Davis (April 22, 2012)
Psalm 95 - Worship - Dr. Jack Benzenhafer (April 15, 2012)
December 4, 2011: Guest Speaker, Greg Queen
Psalm 115:1-11 - Living for the Glory of God - Guest Speaker, Brian Davis (November 20, 2011)
1 Corinthians 11:23-34 - Looking at The Lord Through the Lord's Supper (November 13, 2011)
Special Guest Speaker - Dr. Danny Akin (September 4, 2011)
Nehemiah 8:1-12 - Receiving God's Word (March 13, 2011)
Psalm 67 - Let the Nations Be Glad (February 27, 2011)
Special Guest Speaker - Dr. Scott Kellum (September 19, 2010)
Philippians 3:9 - A Righteousness Not My Own (May 2, 2010)
Special Guest Speaker - David Cornelius - Acts 13 (December 6, 2009)
Sermon - Lord's Supper
Sermon - Deacon Ministry
Special Guest Speaker - Phillip Cole - Psalm 2 (August 30, 2009)
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