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Pastor's Series on the Gospel of Mark (Fall 2006- Spring 2009)
Sermon - Mark 3:16-19
Sermon - Mark 3:19
Sermon - Mark 3:20-30
Sermon - Mark 3:20-35
Sermon - Mark 4:1-20
Sermon - Mark 4:21-25
Sermon - Mark 4:26-29
Sermon - Mark 4:30-34
Sermon - Mark 4:35-41
Sermon - Mark 5:1-20
Sermon - Mark 5:21-43
Sermon - Mark 6:1-6
Sermon - Mark 6:7-13
Sermon - Mark 6:14-29
Sermon - Mark 6:30-44
Sermon - Mark 6:53-56
Sermon - Mark 7:1-13
Sermon - Mark 7:14-23
Sermon - Mark 7:24-30
Sermon - Mark 7:31-37
Sermon - Mark 8:10-13
Sermon - Mark 8:13-21
Sermon - Mark 8:22-26
Sermon - Mark 8:34-38
Sermon - Mark 9:1-10
Sermon - Mark 9:11-13
Sermon - Mark 9:14-29
Sermon - Mark 9:30-32
Sermon - Mark 9:42-48
Sermon - Mark 9:49-50
Sermon - Mark 10:1-12
Sermon - Mark 10:17-31
Sermon - Mark 10:32-45
Sermon - Mark 11:1-10
Sermon - Mark 11:11-26
Sermon - Mark 12:1-12
Sermon - Mark 12:13-17
Sermon - Mark 12:18-27
Sermon - Mark 12:28-37
Sermon - Mark 13:1-13
Sermon - Mark 13:14-27
Sermon - Mark 14: 1-11
Sermon - Mark 14:12-16
Sermon - Mark 14:17-21
Sermon - Mark 14:22-26
Sermon - Mark 14:27-31
Sermon - Mark 14:32-42
Sermon - Mark 14:43-52
Sermon - Mark 14:53-65
Sermon - Mark 14:66-75
Sermon - Mark 15:1-15
Sermon - Mark 15:16-21
Sermon - Mark 15:22-32
Sermon - Mark 15:33-36
Sermon - Mark 15:37-39
Sermon - Mark 15:39-43
Sermon - Mark 15:42-47
Sermon - Mark 16:1-8
Sermon - Mark 16:9-20
"Making Sense of the End of Mark" (.pdf document) - Pastor Russ explains the issues around the controversial final twelve verses of Mark 16, and sets forth a position on which of the possible endings to this Gospel is most likely and how it functions to bring this story to a close.
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